Past v Future

It’s like waiting at Penn Station.  You know the train’s coming but, in this scenario, you have no idea where it’s taking you.  Purgatory, clock watching and restless.  But patient.

This coming election will be the most important event in this nation’s history.  Not since the Civil War has this nation been so divided.  And there’s no middle road.  Indifference is taking the side of evil, regardless of what you view as right.  Someone will win and someone will lose.

Make America Great Again is a direct call to the past.  Some say a reference to the idealism of a manufacturing based America first ideology, and others correlate it to the racist, misogynist, xenophobic and white male patriarchy of America’s history.  Regardless, both sides represent the past.  MAGA.

The future; some desire socialism with more governmental input and others request a more broaden minority voice, which is actually representative of America’s present and futuristic demographic make-up and of course, some want the past to continue.

We’re six months teetering precariously…

The Past is the minority and evermore shrinking but, they’ve strategically kept their stronghold of power through gerrymandering, appointing judges, laws and money; capitalizing off of the systems designed by them, for them.  The wealth gap continues to widen, education is even more segregated and police states still exists.  But, we’re now locked into the present with minority voices stating their worth and making laws that have or will finger the dam and lessen the flow of injustices to the lower classes from which they’ve risen from.  The ‘again’ is now being challenged and Trump is the last vestige of hope representing such.  Regardless of his ineptness, his clear narcissism, unintelligence and indifference for the U.S. Constitution, he is still the living manifestation of yesteryear, of women in the kitchen, of Blacks in their place, of Muslims as terror and of White is right.  He’s free to act, say, do and respond at will, without repercussion just like most white males of America’s past.  He said it, he could shoot someone on 5th ave. and not lose any supporters.  Just like Emmit Till’s killer, Jimmie Lee Jackson’s killer and the murderer(s) of Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner.

There needs to be a balance and the coronavirus is a litmus test to why.  America has always been capitalistic.  Cash over compassion, and the handling of this pandemic has exposed that wrongness of a true imperialistic nation.  With no care for human suffering, the worst case scenario has played out for both sides.  Death and loss of revenue.  If, from the onset, empathy was imposed, we most likely would be out of this mess but, with no practice, you’ll get routed in game time.  So, here we are.  There needs to be parity in leadership, capitalism is great but, never at the expense of human suffering.  CEOs should not make millions/billions while their lowest worker is one paycheck from homelessness.  It should be that simple.  But, it isn’t, hence the divide.

If trump is reelected, that train will gather us all and fast track us to the past and the only way to ensure it heads in the opposite direction, the future, we must vote.  All of us.  The Past, The Again, The trump supporters are the minority and you may hate Biden or wanted Bernie but a ‘no’ vote is a vote for The Past.  The objective is to get trump out of office and just like how we wanted President Obama, we need to un-want trump. We need to come out in droves, the Democratic Party needs to have a plan in place to ensure getting as many people registered and to the polls as possible. Don’t worry about trump, worry about the next six months, forward and to the future.

It should be that simple.

One Reply to “Past v Future”

  1. Excellent points! I agree and I will work to get the vote out for Biden. I’m concerned about what to say to those potential voters who lack hope for a different and better future.

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