What controls us? Our conscious minds or our programmed brains? Studies have shown that all actions “decided” are “known” before our mind makes that decision. Before you actually clap your hands, that decision(the thought) was created through synapses connections in the brain then messaged to your muscles needed to perform the clap. How can a batter hit a pitch? There’s no time to “think”. What is your left hand doing right now as you read this? Were you conscious of it? Did you need to be? What is the purpose of knowing what’s going on? What is the purpose of consciousness? Think about it, most tasks are more perfected through repetition, relinquishing the thought process. Practice makes perfect. A popular expression in sports is when an athlete is performing spectacularly, he’s “unconscious” or he’s “in a zone.”  So what is the purpose of being aware when we perform best when we suppress consciousness?

The author believes it evolved from our social makeup. The need to form relationships resulting in our survival. Is this true? We do perform social related tasks more fluidly than logic minded tests.

Our brains are the most intricate device known to us yet we understand very little of its true capabilities. What causes a gut feeling? Almost everything that happens in our mental lives is not under our conscious control. And isn’t it better that way? I don’t want to have to think about what it takes to ride a bike. I want to be able to just do it and not fall. Just to understand what it takes to do any mundane task like bike riding, reading this, writing, speaking, smiling, etcetera; the immense happenings that our brains are required to do to perform these actions are amazing, taken for granted and should be performed “without thinking.”

But what if there’s an intruder to our brain’s function? Alzheimer’s, Turet’s, a concussion. If it affects the brain, it affects the mind. See how fascinating this becomes? Even from a legal perspective focusing on accountability. Why does someone rape, molest and/or murder? Should they be punished if a tumor is detected that resulted in their actions? Where is the line drawn? There are limitless factors that affect a healthy working brain and I believe we should begin investing in researching the physiological aspect of our brain development. Imagine the possibilities.

David Eagleman

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